Brooke SCOTT or BrookeSCOTT, SCOTTBrooke Brooke SCOTT,SCOTT Brooke,
Brooke Scott was born September 12, 1982. She is 5’6,140lbs,with real tits. In 2006 she entered the industry, and since then she has appeared in over 33 titles, and counting. Her performances can be seen...
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Brooke Scott

  • previous porn actress

    Brooke SCOTT

      0 points
    Brooke Scott is a cute and so sexy american porn movies actress who was born on .
    This good-looking porn movies actress is Virgo astro sign.
    This brunette with brown eyes of 39 years old owns coarse detractor and some explicit beauty.
    Brooke shooted most of her hard movies for the studios Legend, Lethal Hardcore and Mercenary Pictures.
    Notice that there are some awezome hot scenes in I Touch Myself which claim our respect.
    next porn actress
    Porn actress added on the 6 May 2009

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